01 02 03 Artsy Daisy Crochet: Sock Monkey Love 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Sock Monkey Love

This sock monkey is one of my favorite amigurumi that I have made so far.  The pattern is from RedHeart.com although I made quite a few changes because I wanted it to be as true to a real sock monkey as possible.  I spent a lot of time looking at images of sock monkeys trying to find the iconic image from the old days.  There are some really crazy pictures out there, so beware if you ever decide to Google it.
I used Lion Brand's Fisherman's Wool for the main body.  It had the perfect colorway for a sock monkey.  I changed the mouth and added the "butt" and tail since the pattern didn't have either.  I also shaped the top of the head to look more like a toe would on a sock.  Lastly I used classic black buttons for eyes instead of embroidering them on.

The finished sock monkey was a great success.  This is Jack, Riley's brother (of Riley's Rainbow Blocks).  He thought the sock monkey came out great too.  If you look closely, you can see the monkey's "butt" poking out from under it's tail. Haha!

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